Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Life Moment's" Deodorant"

 Let's have a little talk about deo, I can't ever find one that works or the smell throws me off, I like it for a few hours then it gets nasty. I don't like deo period, but I need deo it's very much a love hate relationship I've tried probably every single kind and smell out there... I've tried the just use rubbing alcohol method.. the all natural approach...Ive tried making homemade deo.. I just have not been happy with any deo ..last Friday I told my husband I needed deo 'that was a mistake' .. so we were at Sam's and he said, "go get some deo" ...the shock on my face did not show but I'm thinking no I need variety, I need time, this is a matter of smelling good or stinking this an important decision for me how can I get deo here... I moseyed over to the deo isle and there were FOUR only FOUR choices (how am I supposed to pick from only four)  I know if y'all have read some of my previous post my sweet hubby is impatient so four options to him is all the better he's thinking maybe this wont take long four options is not a hard decision ...well for me its a train wreck I sat and pulled each box out and looked at the brands and the prices and then the scratch and sniff test.. I was not happy I didn't want any of them the most expensive one would of probably worked but again my hubby is cheap so I would of got "why do you need that one"  I was stuck between a rock and hard place...I wanted hubby to scratch and sniff he rolled his eyes and said "its your deo?" well he's no help so I grab the mid grade deo and get on with it .. but then I get home and start wearing the deo for a few days and all my brain says is NO! NO! NO! So I spent way to much money on this package of deo and of course Sam's sells everything in bulk so now I have three ...NO! this wont do deo's ... will I tell my husband that I hate the deo and wasted money NO! I throw one in the travel bag and Ill try to use the other deos when I'm not leaving the house but I still have the dilemma of I don't have a deo for every day I grab my old travel bag deo out for the first couple days cause its not bad than yesterday we went out for yarn so thought might as well go pick out deo well I'm out and hubby is out of town.. We are always out of milk so that's where the deo will be bought the grocery store... Stitch runs in the grocery store with me...(not sure if that's a good thing) we walk to the milk isle and pick up the milk he starts heading towards the check out isles I tell him to, "hold up I need deo" he's not happy but I let Stitch get over it and head to the deo isle I start looking at all the different kinds the elimination process begins... and Stitch is complaining that the gallon of milk is freezing his numbies "fingers" off.. he's in his I need to make jokes mood ...I grab my first choice out and held on to it but I had to make sure so I start smelling different ones and pull out one that makes me gag Stitch says, "what?" I let him smell it and he looks at me and says "It smells like powdery baby crap" I look around thank goodness no one was around for his description I wanted to scold but busted out laughing instead and in all honesty he was right you know when your baby has diarrhea and you clean him up but it doesn't matter how clean you got his bum with the baby wipes he still has that smell so you try to mask it with baby powder but it's still there yup that was the smell of this deo ...So we get in the car with milk and a deo in hand... my other two kiddos didn't feel like coming in the store they looked at us and said, "What took you so long?" Stitch says, "Mom had to get deo", the two kiddos in the back rolled their eyes, Stitch looked at them and said "at least she doesn't smell like POWDERY BABY CRAP" After the brief explanation on the way home Stitch had everyone laughing..
All the while I was thinking of Monsters, Inc.

Mike: Can I borrow your odorant?
Sulley: Yeah, I got, uh, Smelly Garbage or Old Dumpster.
Mike: You got, uh, Low Tide?
Sulley: No.
Mike: How about Wet Dog?
Sulley: Yep. Stink it up.

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